13 Dic Psychological Flexibility and Emotional Regulation: New Publication by our directors
We are excited to share the latest publication by our Directors in Revista de Psicología Clínica con Niños y Adolescentes: Psychological Flexibility and Emotional Regulation, written in conjunction with other international researchers, Juan M. Flujas-Contreras, Inmaculada Gómez and Azucena García-Palacios.
Psychological flexibility and emotional regulation clinical protocol with contextual therapy in families: a case series. Emotional regulation and psychological flexibility skills may influence the way in which parents interact, manage or cope with their children’s difficulties. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of an intervention program for families in the promotion of emotional regulation skills and parental psychological flexibility through a clinical parenting protocol based on third-generation strategies. Nine parents with children aged 1 to 7 years old (M = 3.8; SD= 2.03), diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, with a mean age of 36.11 years (SD = 4.88), participated in the study. Seventy-seven percent were mothers. A pre-experimental design was followed with pre-post measures and follow-up at three months, with no control group. The intervention for promoting parental psychological flexibility and parental emotional regulation lasted 8 one-hour sessions. The results showed positive effects on general and parental psychological flexibility, specifically on an open and present-focused response style. The scores of parental stress and emotional regulation skills improved at post and were maintained at follow-up. A reduction in behavioral problems and improved prosocial behavior were observed in the children. The results of the study show evidence of the preliminary efficacy of family intervention through contextual therapies.
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